Does each person need to own the jackbox party pack 2
Does each person need to own the jackbox party pack 2

The Devil and the Details - I was not expecting much going into this one, but it turned into one of the most fun games very quickly. Finally, the only thing wildly different regarding the gameplay would be Thriplash, which is fun but in my opinion not as enjoyable as The Last Lash from Quiplash 2. However I think that the carnival music gets old pretty quickly, where the Quiplash 2 theme has never gotten old for me. I love the clay animation style that they went with in this one compared to the somewhat simple (yet colorful and fun) style of Quiplash 2. The prompts are seemingly more interesting and we have more witty remarks from Schmitty that my friends and I adore. Quiplash 3 - Quiplash 3 is the same amount of greatness that I have come to love from the series, and this one is no exception. I'd love to hear everyone else's opinions as well! Played all of the games with my friends and decided to join in on the bandwagon of talking about them.

Does each person need to own the jackbox party pack 2